Thoughts on Clay
Thoughts on Clay
In this book, I probe the profundities of existence and creation, exemplified through the tactile dance with clay. Embracing spontaneity, I sculpt my consciousness onto this receptive canvas. Unexpected turns, beautiful in their unpredictability, guide my process. I venture into the unknown, allowing the work to grow organically, dictating its own form. Found objects, activated within this discourse, share their unique stories. This voyage is not merely about creating art—it's a spirited exploration of life, philosophy, and the cosmos, a testament to the thrilling uncertainty and joy of being an artist. It's my quest for self-discovery, a story of ceaseless becoming.

Author: Zou Chen
Year: 2023
Pages: 120
Dimensions: 8 x 10 in.
Cover: Softcover
Language: English
Found in: Art  Design  Material Studies